At this time, The Pokémon Firm group revealed the official title and brand for the upcoming Pokémon animated collection.“Pokémon Horizons: The Collection is premiering worldwide in 2023 and past after the conclusion of Pokémon Final Journeys: The Collection, which can culminate with Ash Ketchum’s historic win as Pokémon World Champion. The Pokémon Firm group additionally launched a brand new full-length trailer that includes never-before-seen footage from choose episodes. The trailer offers an early have a look at the storyline which focuses on twin protagonists Liko and Roy uncovering the mysteries of the Pokémon world. Extra particulars relating to “Pokémon Horizons: The Collection” can be introduced sooner or later.
In Pokémon Horizons: The Collection, twin protagonists Liko, whose associate Pokémon is Sprigatito, and Roy will encounter many characters throughout their journey, together with a bunch led by Friede and Captain Pikachu known as the Rising Volt Tacklers. Touring throughout the Pokémon world on an airship, the Rising Volt Tacklers embody Orla, who enjoys mechanical and electrical work and is accompanied by her associate Pokémon, Metagross; Murdock, who’s expert at cooking, and his associate Pokémon, Rockruff; Mollie, who makes a speciality of therapeutic remedies, and her associate Pokémon, Chansey; and Ludlow. Liko and Roy will even come throughout Amethio, who’s joined by his associate Pokémon, Ceruledge, and belongs to a company known as the Explorers, in addition to a preferred video streamer often known as Nidothing.
“Pokémon Horizons: The Collection is about to be an exciting journey that explores new wonders and makes fascinating discoveries concerning the Pokémon world. The newest Pokémon Horizons: The Collection trailer sheds additional mild on the mysterious adventures that await Liko and Roy, and we invite Trainers to affix in unraveling these secrets and techniques when the collection begins premiering outdoors of Japan later this yr.”
Taito Okiura, vice chairman of selling for The Pokémon Firm Worldwide
Supply: The Pokemon Firm