There’s a brand-new Obsidian Flames set coming to Pokemon TCG and we’ve bought every thing it’s essential know, from the discharge date to a brand-new Charizard EX reveal.
It’s that point once more, when new Pokemon The Card Sport playing cards arrive for the fanbase to go loopy over. This time round, Pokemon TCG is breaking the mould with Obsidian Flames, the primary set to introduce Tera Varieties!
First launched in Scarlet & Violet, Terastallization is a phenomenon that permits a Pokemon to vary its sort or enhance its pure powers, in addition to giving it a brand new crystalline aura.
Now, the mechanic is about to reach in Pokemon TCG, and with it comes some spectacular new playing cards.
When Is Pokemon Obsidian Flames’ Launch Date?
The brand new Pokemon TCG set, Obsidian Flames, will launch on August 11, 2023.
The set will comprise playing cards from the Japanese ‘Ruler of the Black Flame’ enlargement which was launched on July 28, 2023.

Moreover, playing cards first launched in Japan’s Triplet Beat, Snow Hazard, and Clay Burst that didn’t make their manner into Paldea Developed may even be arriving ultimately.
What Are Tera Pokemon Playing cards in Obsidian Flames?
Tera Pokemon are particular playing cards that always have completely different typings from their regular variants. The Pokemon additionally get a crystal aura to mirror their new typing.
In Pokemon TCG, all Tera Pokemon have the next impact:
So long as this Pokemon is in your Bench, forestall all injury finished to this Pokemon by assaults (each yours and your opponent’s).
Though all of the Pokemon’s strikes would require the identical vitality as ordinary, the cardboard’s weak point will change to match their new sort.
For instance, the Darkness Tera Sort Charizard EX featured in Obsidian Flames is weak to Grass, quite than Water.
Nonetheless some Tera Pokemon don’t change sort, reminiscent of Obsidian Flames’ Dragonite and Greedent, however as a substitute supply a extra highly effective mastery of their very own varieties.
All Tera Playing cards in Obsidian Flames
Pokemon TCG Obsidian Flames Full Card Listing
There are 230 potential playing cards to gather within the Obsidian Flames set. Right here’s the complete card record:
Quantity | Card Title | Sort | Rarity |
1 | Oddish | Grass | Frequent |
2 | Gloom | Grass | Frequent |
3 | Bellossom | Grass | Unusual |
4 | Scyther | Grass | Frequent |
5 | Shuckle | Grass | Frequent |
6 | Surskit | Grass | Frequent |
7 | Masquerain | Grass | Unusual |
8 | Combee | Grass | Frequent |
9 | Foongus | Grass | Frequent |
10 | Amoonguss | Grass | Unusual |
11 | Phantump | Grass | Frequent |
12 | Trevenant | Grass | Unusual |
13 | Rowlet | Grass | Frequent |
14 | Dartrix | Grass | Unusual |
15 | Decidueye EX | Grass | Double Uncommon |
16 | Bounsweet | Grass | Frequent |
17 | Steenee | Grass | Frequent |
18 | Tsareena | Grass | Unusual |
19 | Smoliv | Grass | Frequent |
20 | Dolliv | Grass | Frequent |
21 | Arboliva | Grass | Unusual |
22 | Toedscruel EX | Grass | Double Uncommon |
23 | Capsakid | Grass | Frequent |
24 | Capsakid | Grass | Frequent |
25 | Scovillain | Grass | Uncommon |
26 | Charmander | Fireplace | Frequent |
27 | Charmeleon | Fireplace | Unusual |
28 | Vulpix | Fireplace | Frequent |
29 | Ninetales | Fireplace | Unusual |
30 | Entei | Fireplace | Uncommon |
31 | Numel | Fireplace | Frequent |
32 | Camerupt | Fireplace | Unusual |
33 | Victini Ex | Fireplace | Double Uncommon |
34 | Darumaka | Fireplace | Frequent |
35 | Darmanitan | Fireplace | Unusual |
36 | Litwick | Fireplace | Frequent |
37 | Lampent | Fireplace | Frequent |
38 | Chandelure | Fireplace | Unusual |
39 | Heatmor | Fireplace | Frequent |
40 | Larvesta | Fireplace | Frequent |
41 | Volcarona | Fireplace | Unusual |
42 | Eiscue EX | Fireplace | Double Uncommon |
43 | Charcadet | Fireplace | Frequent |
44 | Armarouge | Fireplace | Unusual |
45 | Lapras | Water | Unusual |
46 | Carvanha | Water | Frequent |
47 | Sharpedo | Water | Unusual |
48 | Buizel | Water | Frequent |
49 | Floatzel | Water | Unusual |
50 | Tympole | Water | Frequent |
51 | Palpitoad | Water | Frequent |
52 | Seismitoad | Water | Unusual |
53 | Cubchoo | Water | Frequent |
54 | Beartic | Water | Unusual |
55 | Cryogonal | Water | Frequent |
56 | Froakie | Water | Frequent |
57 | Frogadier | Water | Unusual |
58 | Wiglett | Water | Frequent |
59 | Wugtrio | Water | Unusual |
60 | Finizen | Water | Frequent |
61 | Finizen | Water | Frequent |
62 | Palafin | Water | Uncommon |
63 | Magnemite | Lightning | Frequent |
64 | Magneton | Lightning | Frequent |
65 | Magnezone | Lightning | Unusual |
66 | Tyranitar EX (TERA) | Lightning | Double Uncommon |
67 | Tynamo | Lightning | Frequent |
68 | Eelektrik | Lightning | Frequent |
69 | Elektross | Lightning | Unusual |
70 | Thundurus | Lightning | Uncommon |
71 | Toxel | Lightning | Frequent |
72 | Toxtricity | Lightning | Uncommon |
73 | Pawmot EX | Lightning | Double Uncommon |
74 | Tadbulb | Lightning | Frequent |
75 | Tadbulb | Lightning | Frequent |
76 | Tadbulb | Lightning | Frequent |
77 | Bellibolt | Lightning | Unusual |
78 | Bellibolt | Lightning | Unusual |
79 | Miraidon EX | Lightning | Double Uncommon |
80 | Cleffa | Psychic | Frequent |
81 | Clefairy | Psychic | Frequent |
82 | Clefable EX | Psychic | Double Uncommon |
83 | Togepi | Psychic | Frequent |
84 | Togetic | Psychic | Unusual |
85 | Togekiss | Psychic | Uncommon |
86 | Espeon | Psychic | Unusual |
87 | Snubbull | Psychic | Frequent |
88 | Granbull | Psychic | Unusual |
89 | Mawile | Psychic | Frequent |
90 | Spoink | Psychic | Frequent |
91 | Grumpig | Psychic | Unusual |
92 | Lunatone | Psychic | Unusual |
93 | Solrock | Psychic | Unusual |
94 | Baltoy | Psychic | Frequent |
95 | Claydol | Psychic | Uncommon |
96 | Vespiquen EX (TERA) | Psychic | Double Uncommon |
97 | Sinistea | Psychic | Frequent |
98 | Polteageist | Psychic | Unusual |
99 | Greavard | Psychic | Frequent |
100 | Greavard | Psychic | Frequent |
101 | Houndstone | Psychic | Unusual |
102 | Houndstone EX | Psychic | Double Uncommon |
103 | Diglett | Combating | Frequent |
104 | Dugtrio | Combating | Unusual |
105 | Larvitar | Combating | Frequent |
106 | Pupitar | Combating | Unusual |
107 | Nosepass | Combating | Frequent |
108 | Barboach | Combating | Frequent |
109 | Whiscash | Combating | Unusual |
110 | Bonsly | Combating | Frequent |
111 | Drilbur | Combating | Frequent |
112 | Stunfisk | Combating | Unusual |
113 | Diggersby | Combating | Unusual |
114 | Crabrawler | Combating | Frequent |
115 | Crabominable | Combating | Unusual |
116 | Rockruff | Combating | Frequent |
117 | Lycanroc | Combating | Unusual |
118 | Toedscool | Combating | Frequent |
119 | Toedscruel | Combating | Unusual |
120 | Klawf EX | Combating | Double Uncommon |
121 | Glimmet | Combating | Frequent |
122 | Glimmet | Combating | Frequent |
123 | Glimmora EX | Combating | Double Uncommon |
124 | Koraidon EX | Combating | Double Uncommon |
125 | Charizard EX (TERA) | Darkness | Double Uncommon |
126 | Paldean Wooper | Darkness | Frequent |
127 | Paldean Wooper | Darkness | Frequent |
128 | Paldean Clodsire | Darkness | Unusual |
129 | Paldean Clodsire | Darkness | Unusual |
130 | Umbreon | Darkness | Unusual |
131 | Houndour | Darkness | Frequent |
132 | Houndour | Darkness | Frequent |
133 | Houndoom | Darkness | Unusual |
134 | Houndoom EX | Darkness | Double Uncommon |
135 | Absol EX | Darkness | Double Uncommon |
136 | Darkrai | Darkness | Uncommon |
137 | Inkay | Darkness | Frequent |
138 | Malamar | Darkness | Unusual |
139 | Salandit | Darkness | Frequent |
140 | Salazzle | Darkness | Unusual |
141 | Scizor | Steel | Uncommon |
142 | Skarmory | Steel | Unusual |
143 | Mawile | Steel | Unusual |
144 | Bronzor | Steel | Frequent |
145 | Bronzong | Steel | Unusual |
146 | Probopass | Steel | Unusual |
147 | Excadrill | Steel | Unusual |
148 | Pawniard | Steel | Frequent |
149 | Bisharp | Steel | Frequent |
150 | Kingambit | Steel | Unusual |
151 | Togedemaru | Steel | Frequent |
152 | Meltan | Steel | Frequent |
153 | Melmetal EX | Steel | Double Uncommon |
154 | Varoom | Steel | Frequent |
155 | Varoom | Steel | Frequent |
156 | Revavroom EX | Steel | Double Uncommon |
157 | Dratini | Dragon | Frequent |
158 | Dragonair | Dragon | Unusual |
159 | Dragonite EX (TERA) | Dragon | Double Uncommon |
160 | Altaria | Dragon | Unusual |
161 | Drampa | Dragon | Unusual |
162 | Pidgey | Colorless | Frequent |
163 | Pidgeotto | Colorless | Unusual |
164 | Pidgeot EX | Colorless | Double Uncommon |
165 | Kangaskhan | Colorless | Unusual |
166 | Eevee | Colorless | Frequent |
167 | Zigzagoon | Colorless | Frequent |
168 | Linoone | Colorless | Unusual |
169 | Swablu | Colorless | Frequent |
170 | Lillipup | Colorless | Frequent |
171 | Herdier | Colorless | Frequent |
172 | Stoutland | Colorless | Unusual |
173 | Audino | Colorless | Frequent |
174 | Bouffalant | Colorless | Unusual |
175 | Bunnelby | Colorless | Frequent |
176 | Yungoos | Colorless | Frequent |
177 | Gumshoos | Colorless | Unusual |
178 | Skwovet | Colorless | Frequent |
179 | Greedent EX (TERA) | Colorless | Double Uncommon |
180 | Lechonk | Colorless | Frequent |
181 | Lechonk | Colorless | Frequent |
182 | Lechonk | Colorless | Frequent |
183 | Oinkologne | Colorless | Unusual |
184 | Oinkologne | Colorless | Unusual |
185 | Flamigo | Colorless | Unusual |
186 | Arven | Supporter | Unusual |
187 | Brassius | Supporter | Unusual |
188 | Geeta | Supporter | Uncommon |
189 | Letter of Encouragement | Merchandise | Unusual |
190 | Ortega | Supporter | Unusual |
191 | Patrol Cap | Instrument | Unusual |
192 | Pokemon League Headquarters | Stadium | Unusual |
193 | Poppy | Supporter | Unusual |
194 | Ryme | Supporter | Frequent |
195 | Staff Star Grunt | Supporter | Unusual |
196 | City Retailer | Stadium | Frequent |
197 | Vengeful Punch | Instrument | Unusual |
198 | Gloom | Grass | Illustration Uncommon |
199 | Ninetales | Fireplace | Illustration Uncommon |
200 | Palafin | Water | Illustration Uncommon |
201 | Bellibolt | Lightning | Illustration Uncommon |
202 | Cleffa | Psychic | Illustration Uncommon |
203 | Larvitar | Combating | Illustration Uncommon |
204 | Houndour | Darkness | Illustration Uncommon |
205 | Scizor | Steel | Illustration Uncommon |
206 | Varoom | Steel | Illustration Uncommon |
207 | Pidgey | Colorless | Illustration Uncommon |
208 | Pidgeotto | Colorless | Illustration Uncommon |
209 | Lechonk | Colorless | Illustration Uncommon |
210 | Eiscue EX (TERA) | Fireplace | Extremely Uncommon |
211 | Tyranitar EX (TERA) | Lightning | Extremely Uncommon |
212 | Vespiquen EX (TERA) | Psychic | Extremely Uncommon |
213 | Glimmora EX | Combating | Extremely Uncommon |
214 | Charizard EX (TERA) | Darkness | Extremely Uncommon |
215 | Absol EX | Darkness | Extremely Uncommon |
216 | Revavroom EX | Steel | Extremely Uncommon |
217 | Pidgeot EX | Colorless | Extremely Uncommon |
218 | Geeta | Supporter | Extremely Uncommon |
219 | Ortega | Supporter | Extremely Uncommon |
220 | Poppy | Supporter | Extremely Uncommon |
221 | Ryme | Supporter | Extremely Uncommon |
222 | Eiscue EX (TERA) | Fireplace | Particular Illustration Uncommon |
223 | Charizard EX (TERA) | Darkness | Particular Illustration Uncommon |
224 | Revavroom EX | Steel | Particular Illustration Uncommon |
225 | Pidgeot EX | Colorless | Particular Illustration Uncommon |
226 | Geeta | Supporter | Particular Illustration Uncommon |
227 | Poppy | Supporter | Particular Illustration Uncommon |
228 | Charizard EX (TERA) | Darkness | Hyper Uncommon |
229 | Artazon | Stadium | Hyper Uncommon |
230 | Fundamental Fireplace Power | Power | Hyper Uncommon |
With simply days left till the discharge date of Pokemon TCG Obsidian Flames, we’re certain card sport followers are eagerly ready to get their arms on the set’s finest choices.